
Happy National Aviation Day: A new BizAv SAF Guide and CAAFI Blog Post

August 19, 2020 - Today is National Aviation Day in the U.S., a recognition instituted by FDR in 1939, honoring the birthday of Orville Wright, but also creating awareness of, and celebrating the progress and vision associated with, the aviation industry.

In conjunction with the celebration of aviation, I’ll also draw your attention to the related blog post that ties together the concepts of Aviation Day and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), and a few other items on my mind that you may not have seen. I’ll warn you in advance that I tend to “wax philosophical” in the post. If you haven’t been immersed in mainstream aviation activities before, I hope this will help you see the personal side of aviation professionals like me who are working SAF. And that you may find some of the thoughts in there to be of practical use or interest.

Additionally, I’d like to call you attention to an announcement released today by the Business Aviation Coalition of Sustainable Aviation Fuels where they are highlighting the release of a second edition of a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Guide, Fueling the Future. Although it is targeted primarily at the BizAv community, the Guide (as well as the Coalition’s website) serves as a great up-to-date resource for any of us focused on SAF.

Finally, going forward, the CAAFI team plans to publish more blog posts and OpEds like the one linked above, although likely with more brevity. We’ll transition our highlighting of recent news on our home page to social media amplification primarily. If you have some things you’d like us to comment on or have amplified, please send them our way.


Steve Csonka
Executive Director, CAAFI

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