
Shell Announces Collaborative Effort to Reduce Carbon Emissions at SFO at CAAFI Meeting

4 January 2019 - On December 6, 2018 at the CAAFI Biennial General Meeting (CBGM), Shell announced a partnership with SkyNRG and World Energy to initiate the supply of SAJF to three major airlines, KLM, SAS, and Finnair, operating from San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The SAJF will be provided through existing refueling infrastructure at SFO to support their goal of expanding the use of SAJF in its operations. The goal of the effort is to reduce the carbon emissions of flights departing SFO and to build resilient SAJF supply chains that will pave the way for expanding the use of SAJF at other airports.

See Shell’s press release here.

Shell, World Energy, and SFO all presented at 2018 CBGM on their respective efforts to expand the production, deployment and use of SAJF in the U.S. Shell’s presentation can be viewed here. The rest of the available slide decks from the CBGM can be accessed here and photos of the event can be viewed here.

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